My mother doesn’t make pie. As a rule. The occasional apple crumb pie would make it onto our table, but even that was rare. She found crusts, filling consistency, and baking tricks to be way more trouble than it was worth. And for a mom who was already working full time, leading multiple Girl Scout troops, and making our Halloween costumes by hand, that seems plenty fair to me. Good thing I have more free time.
Several years back, my husband requested me to make a pie for Thanksgiving. In an effort to be super-girlfriend, I tried (and succeeded) in making my first-ever pie. My mother was shocked and amazed. Now I make it every year at Thanksgiving, and expanded my repertoire to include a decent mixed berry pie for the summer.
So this week, when I walked into the supermarket and found cherries for 99 cents a pound, I decided, why not? Despite the fact that I had never even tasted a cherry pie, it is after all an American summer tradition – I should at least give it a try. So I found some recipes, mashed them together, and produced a cherry pie that looked just like the pictures…sort of.
I came to the following conclusions, which may serve you well. A) Lattice crust tops are not worth it. They take down the crust to fruit ratio and never look as nice once they’ve been baked and gone all wonky (read: uneven). B) Use sour cherries. Mine were sweet, and with the added sugar, they were a little too much. Excellent for children and super sugar cravings…sober adults can cut it with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream. C) Don’t overdo it with the sprinkling sugar…or you’ll do what I did, accidentally spilling it in a few spots with turn a lovely shade of black (teehee). However, the texture set up nicely (doesn’t it stand up well to photography?), I finally got to use the cherry pitter I got for my wedding nearly two years ago, and the pie certainly did make it feel like summer. Serve with lemonade and eat on your front porch, watching fireflies.
Sweet Cherry Pie
Adapted from
Classic Sour Cherry Pie with Lattice Crust, Bon Appétit, June 2008
Cherry Pie, Gourmet, July 2007
1 tsp. almond extract
¾ c. butter, cut into half inch dice and chilled
1/3 c. shortening, cut into half inch dice and chilled
2 1/2 cups unbleached all purpose flour
1 tablespoon sugar
Just enough ice water to hold dough together (5-7 T)
2/3 c. sugar
6 cups whole pitted sweet cherries (about 2 pounds whole unpitted cherries – pitting will take 30-40 minutes)
5-6 T. cornstarch
1 T. orange zest
1 I. orange juice
1 teaspoon almond extract
Milk or egg wash (2 T)
Sprinkling sugar
Whisk flour and sugar in large bowl to blend. Add butter and rub in with fingertips until small pea-size clumps form. Add extract, then ice water a tablespoon at a time; mix lightly with fork or hands until dough holds together when squeezed, adding more water if dough is dry. Gather dough together; divide into 2 pieces. Form each piece into a 6 inch disk and wrap each in plastic. Refrigerate at least 30 minutes (can be made 2 days ahead – keep chilled). Let dough soften slightly, 10 minutes or so, before rolling out.
Position rack in lower third of oven and preheat to 425 degrees. Whisk sugar and cornstarch in medium bowl to blend. Stir in almond extract and orange zest, then add cherries and mix well; set aside to rest for 30 minutes.
Roll out first dough disk on floured surface to 12-inch round. Transfer to 9-inch glass pie dish. Trim dough overhang to 1/2 inch. Roll out second dough disk on floured surface to 12-inch round.
To Make Lattice Top:
Using large knife or pastry wheel with fluted edge, cut ten 3/4-inch-wide strips from dough round. Transfer filling to dough-lined dish, mounding slightly in center. Dot with butter. Arrange dough strips atop filling, forming lattice; trim dough strip overhang to 1/2 inch. ALTERNATIVE: Lay top crust over filling, cutting 3-4 steam vents in the middle.
Fold bottom crust up over ends of strips and crimp edges to seal (or take extra dough, trim, and roll into ropes – use these to form a faux crust to crimp). Brush lattice crust (NOT edges) with milk or egg wash. Sprinkle lattice with 1 tablespoon sugar (and no more!).
Place pie on rimmed baking sheet to catch drips and bake at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes, then another 50-60 minutes at 375degrees, until filling is bubbling and crust is golden brown, covering edges with foil collar or pie shield if browning too quickly. Let cool on rack 3-4 hours.
Don’t even think about serving this without vanilla ice cream.
Having never been a fan of cherry pie myself (rather, having never tried cherry pie before), I am mighty tempted to take a bite out of this pie! It looks delicious! The fresh cherries sans preparation and baking look delicious too, but that surprises no one and is slightly off topic. I think you should make this next time we meet. Nay, I demand that you make this next time we meet. By demand, I mean ask nicely of course.